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Breastfeeding Support

The experience of breastfeeding is special for so many reasons, including the joyful bonding and unique nutritional and health benefits it provides for both mom and baby.

The decision to breastfeed is also a very personal one, and at the Beaufort Memorial Collins Birthing Center, we’re here to provide all the education and support you need, no matter how you decide to feed your newborn.

If you do choose to breastfeed, our Certified Breastfeeding Counselors (CBCs®) are always on hand to help ensure a positive experience. We’ll stop by several times during your stay to coach you through your first feedings, answer questions and address any common issues like latching difficulties or low milk production.

Once you go home, you can also call us 24/7 at 843-522-5147 for ongoing assistance. 

Want to start prepping for success? Sign up now for our free Breastfeeding Class.

lactation consultant assisting new mom

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is more than a way to feed your baby — it is lifestyle and an important health choice. Every day that you breastfeed will benefit both you and your baby. Here are some of the ways this important choice differs from baby formula:

Benefits for Baby

  • Mother’s milk is the most complete nutrition for infants. It has just the right amount of fat, sugar, water and protein needed for a baby’s growth and development. No one has been able to duplicate this vital mix.
  • Mother’s milk helps protect infants from bacteria and viruses with natural antibodies not found in breast milk substitutes, such as formula. Babies who are breastfed for six months are less likely to have ear infections, diarrhea or respiratory illnesses.
  • Mother’s milk contains complex hormones and ingredients that help protect against chronic illnesses, including asthma, diabetes and obesity.
  • Feeding at the breast is known to calm and quiet a baby. Research also shows that breastfeeding helps a baby to socialize and promotes healthy relationships as a child matures into adulthood.

Benefits for Mom

  • Breastfeeding burns extra calories, making it easier to lose weight after giving birth and enjoy a quicker recovery.
  • Breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast and ovarian cancers, diabetes and osteoporosis.
  • Breastfeeding is a normal, natural process that has survived thousands of years. It creates a biological connection between a mother and her baby that promotes self-confidence and calmness.
  • Breastfeeding saves time and money. There is no formula to buy or mix, and no bottles to warm in the middle of the night. Breastfed babies also typically need fewer doctor visits, prescriptions and hospitalizations.
  • Breastfeeding mothers miss less work because their infants are sick less often.

In addition to those personal benefits, breastfeeding is also better for our environment. There is less trash and plastic waste compared to formula use.

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends breastfeeding exclusively for the first six months of your baby’s life, followed by breastfeeding in combination with solid foods until at least 12 months of age.