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Admission, Arrival & Discharge

Few experiences in life are as exciting as bringing home a new member of your family. Here’s what to know and expect as you get set for the big day.

Prepare for Your Stay

A little preparation can help everyone feel ready when you start feeling your first contractions.

  • Take care of yourself and your growing baby. Prenatal care is vital for the health of you both. Our board-certified OB-GYNs provide regular checkups during this important time.
  • Schedule your tour. If you haven’t done so, join us for an up-close look at the newly renovated Collins Birthing Center, featuring a host of existing amenities for expectant moms and families.
  • Get guidance and support. Sign up for FREE classes through our Baby University to empower you through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
  • Notify your insurance. Early in your pregnancy, work with your insurance provider to ensure you comply with any precertification requirements. Be sure to add your child to your insurance plan within two days after you deliver.
  • Install a new infant car seat. Get help at our monthly Birthing Center Tour. Call Beaufort County EMS at 843-255-5368 for a free appointment on the first Friday of each month or call the City of Beaufort/Town of Port Royal Fire Department 843-525-7055 for a free appointment at any of their fire stations. (The Fire Department can also give you a new car seat if you cannot afford to buy one.)
  • Pack your bag. See our handy checklist of practical and comfortable items to bring with you (and what not to bring). Be sure you and the baby’s father bring photo IDs and your insurance card with you to the hospital.

When You Arrive

When you’re ready to come to the hospital, head directly to the Birthing Center entrance. After 9pm or on weekends, go to the Emergency Department and let them know you are in labor so they can bring you to the Birthing Center without delay. Please bring your insurance and/or Medicaid card and photo ID.

For your convenience, all admission/registration paperwork will be completed from the comfort of bed in your private antepartum room.

During your stay, visitors and family will be asked to first stop in the Emergency Department to obtain a visitor's badge.

Visitor Guidelines

We are honored to be part of our patients' birth experience and support each mother's wishes when it comes to family presence. The following are the visitation guidelines for the Collins Birthing Center.

  • One primary support person is allowed to be with the mother at all times while in the Birthing Center.
  • Patients in Labor & Delivery and Postpartum may have their primary support person at all times and up to two additional visitors during visiting hours.
  • Patients in Antepartum/Triage may have their primary support person. No additional visitors are allowed in this area.
  • The infant's siblings, of all ages, are welcome to visit the new baby during visiting hours. No other children under 18 are allowed in the Birthing Center. 

Visiting hours are not restricted, however, quiet time is observed from 2 to 4 p.m. Nursing leadership reserves the right to limit or restrict visitation as deemed necessary to ensure the safety of patients and staff. Tell your loved ones to check the visitor restrictions before they come!

Ready to Head Home

pharmacy delivery to new momYou, your doctor and your baby’s doctor will decide when it’s time for you to leave the Birthing Center.

  • If you have a son and choose circumcision, be aware the procedure might not be done until his discharge day. After the procedure, your son will be observed in the Nursery for at least 30 minutes. Then, he can stay with you in your room and you’ll receive instructions for his care.
  • Once your doctor writes the discharge order, your nurses will complete the paperwork and discharge instructions for you and your baby. We’ll walk through everything with you and answer any questions you may have. You’ll also receive a written copy of the instructions to take home.
  • There’s no need to stop at the pharmacy on your way home. Thanks to our collaboration with Publix, any medications you need can be delivered right to your bedside.
  • When it’s time to leave, our staff will escort you and your family to your car. Remember to have your new car seat installed so you can take your “special delivery” home safe and sound!