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Urodynamic Testing for Incontinence

If you're suffering with urinary incontinence (the loss of bladder control), you're far from alone: One out of four women and many men experience this condition in their lifetime.

To pinpoint the source of the problem and help you find the right treatment, Beaufort Memorial offers the most advanced bladder diagnostic testing available: urodynamics.

Many of our specialists—including OB-GYNs and urologists—can order these state-of-the-art studies right here at the hospital. In most cases, they can be completed in as little as 30 minutes.

A physician referral is required. Learn more below, then ask your primary physician if you're a candidate.

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The Answers You Need to Take Control

A urodynamic study is a series of simple, non-invasive tests to thoroughly evaluate the function of your bladder, specifically how it fills and empties. It helps both men and women identify the cause of problems such as:

  • Leaking urine
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder
  • Frequent urination
  • Urgent urination

Types of Tests We Perform

Your Beaufort physician will use variety of tests based on your specific symptoms and concerns. Common options include:

  • Uroflowmetry: Calculates the flow rate of urine, helping determine if there is an obstruction of normal outflow.
  • Cystometrogram (CMG): Measures how much urine the bladder can hold, the pressure inside the bladder and how full it is when you have the urge to go.
  • Voiding Pressure Study: Measures the flow rate of urine immediately after you fill your bladder to help find a blockage (potentially from prostate enlargement), or when combined with the CMG may identify a weak bladder or another issue.
  • Leak Point Pressure: Measures the amount of abdominal pressure that causes you to leak urine. You may be asked to cough to see if leaking occurs.
  • Electromyogram (EMG): To record the electrical activity of the pelvic nerves and muscles to confirm their proper function.

Results are usually available soon after your tests. Your doctor will walk through your report, diagnose the issue and work closely with you to create a personalized treatment plan.

The incontinence specialists at Beaufort Memorial offer a full range of options to help you find relief—from medication, lifestyle support, physical therapy and other non-surgical solutions, to the latest minimally invasive techniques.

Is Urodynamic Testing Right for Me?

If you answer YES to any of the following questions, you should talk with your doctor about scheduling a urodynamic study:

  1. Do you ever leak urine when you don't want to?
  2. Do you leak urine with a strong urge on your way to the bathroom?
  3. Do you leak urine when you cough, sneeze, laugh, lift objects, or exercise?
  4. Do you wear pads to protect your clothes from urine leaking?
  5. Do you urinate frequently during the day?
  6. Do you wake up at night to urinate after falling asleep?
  7. Does your bladder hurt when it is full or while you are urinating?
  8. Do you feel that you do NOT empty your bladder completely?
  9. Is your urine stream slow or weak, or does it start and stop?
  10. Do you leak from the bowels when you don't want to?
  11. Do you have difficulty having a bowel movement?
  12. Do you have a bulge/protrusion of tissue in the vaginal area?

Speak with a Physician

The following physicians can help you find relief. Click their name to learn more about them.