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Skin Cancer Care

Skin cancer is by far the most common type of cancer in the U.S., diagnosed in more men and women each year than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancers combined. The disease is slow growing, but it can become serious or life-threatening once it has spread to other parts of the body.

The good news: Skin cancer is highly preventable and almost always curable when detected and treated early. At Beaufort Memorial, we offer the screening and education you need to keep your skin safe.

If you haven’t had a skin exam recently or if you have noticed suspicious changes to your skin or a mole, one of our expert primary care providers in Beaufort, Bluffton and Port Royal can perform a thorough checkup and recommend additional screening if needed.

Find a primary care provider who can help you prevent or screen for skin cancer, search our online directory.

Skin Cancer


Types of Skin Cancer

Skin cancer affects people of every age, race and skin tone. However, people with fair skin, multiple sunburns during childhood or a family history of the disease are at an increased risk.

There are three main types of skin cancer:

  • Basal and squamous cell cancers are the most common types of skin cancer and often appear in areas that get sun exposure, such as the face, head and neck. They are less likely to spread to other parts of the body and become life-threatening.
  • Melanomas, which form in skin that produces pigments (moles, freckles and age spots), account for about 1% of skin cancers, but can be far more dangerous if left untreated.

Signs of Skin Cancer

Symptoms can vary by the type of skin cancer, but all usually appear as changes to your skin, such as new or unusual growths, changes in existing moles, scaly patches or sores that bleed.

To identify a melanoma, keep “ABCDE” in mind when looking at moles or birthmarks:

  • Asymmetry
  • Borders with edges that are not smooth or regular
  • Different colors or shades
  • Diameter larger than ¼ inch
  • Evolving shape, size or color

Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment

Early detection of skin cancer allows doctors to more successfully treat the disease. Checking your skin regularly may help you track any new or abnormal growths and share information with your health care provider before these growths develop into cancer.

At Beaufort Memorial, our health care providers will examine your skin and, if necessary, order a diagnostic test or imaging exam. If skin cancer is diagnosed, our specialists will use advanced CT scans or other imaging tests to see if the cancer has spread.

Read more about skin cancer screening and diagnosis.

If you have skin cancer, we work with you and your primary care provider to coordinate a personalized treatment plan and find the best specialists to meet your needs.

Learn more about skin cancer treatment options at Beaufort Memorial.

We’re committed to providing the resources you and your loved ones need to manage a cancer diagnosis. You’ll find a full range of cancer support services, from nutritional counseling to support groups and lymphedema prevention. And you’ll have your own nurse navigator and social worker to help guide you along your journey.

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