C. Phillip Blalock, M.D.
Radiology, Interventional Radiology
Beaufort Medical Imaging - HHI
40 Palmetto Parkway
Hilton Head Island
, SC 29926
Beaufort Medical Imaging
955 Ribaut Road
, SC 29902
About C. Blalock
University of South Alabama
Medical School:
Medical College of Georgia
Board Certifications
Radiology, Board Certified
Diagnostic Radiology, Board Certified
In the News
July 17, 2014
Beaufort Memorial Offers Latest 3-D Mammography
New tomosynthesis technology improves early detection and reduces unnecessary biopsies A new advanced im...

October 4, 2017
BMH Now Offering Life-Saving Lung Cancer Screening
Beaufort Memorial Hospital is now offering a new lung cancer screening clinically proven to reduce the ri...

February 27, 2023
Breast Cancer Screening for Women With Dense Breasts
Beaufort Memorial offers automated breast ultrasounds for women with dense breasts.