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COVID-19 Info & Resources

“Our number one priority is the protection of our patients and staff, and we also need to do our part to protect the larger community,” said BMH President and CEO Russell Baxley. You can count on Beaufort Memorial to provide safe care, now and always

This page will be regularly updated with information and resources, including steps to take if you are concerned you may have COVID-19.

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Get the Facts

Is it COVID-19?

Is it COVID-19?

Or Allergies / Cold / Flu?


Additional Information

Active Surveillance

Infection prevention experts, hospital and clinical leaders continue to monitor our inventory of equipment, order additional supplies, flex isolation unit capacity, cross-train staff and address the evolving recommendations and updates from the DHEC and the CDC.

Personal Safety

All Beaufort Memorial healthcare providers who have direct patient contact are trained to use appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) to include gowns, gloves, high-filtration masks and face shields. This same equipment is used in the daily treatment of many patients who have other communicable diseases.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the questions to read the answer.

Coronavirus COVID-19 is a highly contagious new virus with predominantly respiratory symptoms. It was first identified in China and has spread rapidly to other countries around the world .

COVID-19 is thought to spread mainly through close contact from person-to-person when respiratory droplets are produced by an infected person talking, coughing or sneezing. Some people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus.

If you have fever and symptoms of respiratory illness, such as coughing and shortness of breath, you should call your primary care provider or the Beaufort Memorial Express Care clinic in Port Royal (843-524-3344), Bluffton (843-706-2185) or Okatie (843-706-8840) for instructions. You can also download the BMH Care Anywhere app and schedule a video visit with a provider at any time. Depending on your symptoms, travel history and exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, you may be directed to an appropriate location for further evaluation and testing.

DHEC offers free mobile and popup testing clinics. DHEC screening and specimen collections are free for anyone and are part of their ongoing efforts to increase testing in underserved and rural communities across the state. Find dates and locations on the DHEC website.

If you have symptoms, call your primary care provider or a Beaufort Memorial Express Care clinic (see contact information in previous question) for guidance. Please do not go to your provider’s office or an Express Care clinic without calling ahead first.

After your BMH Care Anywhere video visit, you will receive a care summary with instructions to call the Beaufort Memorial Express Care clinic in Port Royal (843-524-3344), Bluffton (843-706-2185) or Okatie (843-706-8840). The clinic will provide you with a signed physician order and information on how to access Beaufort Memorial’s testing sites, so you can have your specimen collected quickly from the safety of your vehicle.

When visiting an Express Care clinic, park in a designated spot and call when you arrive on site for your appointment (Port Royal: 843-524-3344, Bluffton: 843-706-2185 or Okatie: 843-706-8840). Staff will provide further instructions.

Supportive measures can be used to relieve symptoms, just as with the flu. In severe cases, further medical attention may be required.

Find information from the CDC about additional treatments.

The CDC recommends using a cloth face covering whenever in a public setting, such as the grocery store or pharmacy, where maintaining six feet from others can be difficult. While many area mask mandates have expired, government offices and private businesses may request or require masks.

A cloth face covering is recommended so that the supply of surgical masks and N-95 respirator masks can be used by medical professionals providing care.

For those who may have the virus and not know it, wearing a face covering in addition to maintaining social distancing will help prevent further spread of COVID-19.

You should still follow all of the other prevention guidelines, including social distancing (keeping six feet between you and others).

Learn more about cloth face coverings.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you:

  • Get vaccinated as soon as possible.
  • Wear a mask in indoor public spaces.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available and your hands are not visibly soiled.
  • Cover your cough and sneezes with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Stay at home when you are sick.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects.
  • Limit close contact with others as much as possible (about 6 feet). Use a separate room or bathroom if you have sick household members.
  • Stay informed about news in your area to determine if your household routine will be affected.

Create a household plan of action to identify the food, supplies and medications you may need in the event of a quarantine. Also, make an emergency contact list that includes family, friends, neighbors, health care providers and other community resources you may need.

A person in self-isolation is by definition a person who is already sick. Usually voluntary, self-isolation aims to prevent illness from spreading to others. The person stays at home and avoids going out unless it is absolutely necessary—for example, for medical care. Groceries and other essential supplies are typically delivered to the person’s house. The person is especially careful to practice good health hygiene, including covering coughs and sneezes; washing hands thoroughly and often; not sharing dishes, glasses or utensils; disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces; and staying at least six feet away from any others in the same room.

Yes. A person who is self-quarantining is not sick but may have been exposed to an infectious illness such as COVID-19. The person stays at home or restricts movement to prevent the illness from spreading in case he or she becomes sick.

Data on confirmed cases of coronavirus COVID-19 is available from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) on the DHEC website.

Beaufort Memorial is restricting the number of visitors to patients in both inpatient and outpatient settings to protect the health of its patients and staff and to help prevent the spread of infectious illnesses, including flu and COVID-19, in our community.

See the current visitor restrictions.

See the latest guidance for travelers on the CDC website. You'll find information on how long to avoid contact with others, monitoring health, other precautions and more.

Should the traveler begin to experience symptoms like fever, cough and shortness of breath, call your primary care provider or clinic before going in. They will ask you a few questions and provide instructions on what you should do and if you need any testing, where to go. You can also have a video visit with a doctor 24/7 using BMH Care Anywhere on any mobile device.

The CDC and DHEC will continue to provide the most current information about the virus and its effects on our area. Check their websites frequently and sign up for alerts as available.

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