From cluttered desktops to email inboxes that ding day and night, we’re being ground up by the daily grind. Considering that we spend more than one third of our waking hours at work, it makes sense to do what you can to make that environment as healthful as possible.
Boost Your Workplace Wellness
Here are four ways to make your workspace a powerful, productive and positive environment.
1. Give up germs.
Your computer keyboard and phone are harbors for germs. Banish colds, coughs and sneeze grime from work surfaces with a swipe from an antibacterial wipe every now and then. It’s even more important if any of those surfaces is shared with coworkers
2. Skip the sweets.
That bowl of chocolate candies on your desk can load you up with way more calories than you’d think. Worse, the sugary snacks can cause a blood sugar spike that’ll likely lead to a crash later. Sustaining your energy with healthy fiber, minerals and proteins can help you stay on a healthier track.
3. Sit tall.
Most Americans spend all day slouched in an office chair and that can wreak havoc on your spine. Prevent back pain by sitting all the way back in your chair and keep your feet flat on the floor. Get up every hour to walk around or visit someone else’s desk to stretch your spine, back muscles and legs.
4. Bask in the glow.
A positive mental attitude does wonders for stress and health. Make your workspace happier with trinkets and pictures of loved ones that generate warm, positive vibes. Also effective: Fresh flowers and natural light.
You might have to sit at a desk all day, but putting these tips to work for you can ensure you'll stay healthy and productive.
Could your workplace use a wellness program? Beaufort Memorial's Well at Work program can support your efforts with a customized array of services.