Learn your risk for lung cancer and find out if you qualify for a low-dose CT screening at Beaufort Memorial.
Do you qualify? If you meet the screening guidelines, ask your doctor whether you need a low-dose CT lung cancer screening. A physician referral is required. To learn more and schedule an appointment, call 843-522-5015.
Download the "What's Your Lung Cancer Risk?" infographic.
What's Your Lung Cancer Risk?
If it's high, you may qualify for a lung cancer screening.
Smoking Increases Your Risk
- Smoking causes 80% of lung cancers in U.S. women and 90% in U.S. men.
- 70, the number of chemicals in tobacco smoke known to cause cancer.
- 7,000+, the number of chemicals in tobacco smoke.
Other Risk Factors Include:
- Family history of lung cancer
- Secondhand smoke
- Exposure to pollutants such as asbestos, diesel exhaust or radon
Lower Your Risk
- Don't smoke.
- If you smoke, quit now.
- Avoid secondhand smoke.
- Test your home for radon.
Lifesaving Screenings
If You:
- Are between 55 and 77 years old
- Currently smoke or have quit within the past 15 years and
- Have a 30-pack-year smoking history*
You may qualify for a low-dose CT scan to screen for lung cancer.
*A 30-pack-year smoking history is defined as one pack a day for 30 years, two packs a day for 15 years and so on.
If this sounds like you, ask your doctor about low-dose CT lung screening. A physician's referral is required. To schedule an appointment, call 843-522-5015.