While breastfeeding can be a source of great joy, getting off to a good start can be stressful. Understanding how to maximize your first 48 hours together will give you the confidence you need to relax and enjoy breastfeeding your baby. Here are our Birthing Center team's top ten tips:
1. Capitalize on the first two hours after delivery
Immediately after delivery, your infant is likely to be awake and eager to feed. This wakefulness will likely dwindle in the hours that follow. Bring the baby to the breast as soon as possible and let her feed for as long as she is willing.
2. Respond to the first signs of infant hunger
It’s very difficult to feed a baby that is in a deep sleep or frantically crying in hunger. Therefore, it should be your goal to respond to the very first signs of hunger. Literally, anything that looks like your infant may be waking up and searching for a breast should be treated as a hunger cue. This includes: fidgeting, wakefulness, head-turning, lip-licking, mouth movement, finger sucking, head bobbing, etc.
3. Wake your infant to feed
As contrary as it may sound, you may need to wake your infant to feed. It might be tempting to let your baby sleep for long stretches if they are willing, but that is neither beneficial for establishing milk supply nor keeping your baby fed.
During the first few days your infant’s feeding abilities, weight, voiding and stooling patterns will be scrutinized by the healthcare team. Make sure you are doing your part, by bringing the baby to the breast on demand, or at *least* every 3 hours. If you need to wake your infant to feed, place them gently on their back in their bassinet and unswaddle/unwrap them. A diaper change, undressing, or rubbing the tummy and neck with a wet wipe will usually do the trick.
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4. Skin to skin time
There are many benefits to holding your infant skin to skin. It helps calm them, regulates their body temperature and maximizes opportunities to breastfeed. Put simply, the closer your baby is to their target, the more likely they are to maintain an interest.
5. Minimize interruptions
For some moms, breastfeeding can feel pretty vulnerable. Carefully consider which visitors might be a hindrance rather than a help, and establish some visitation guidelines/boundaries before you arrive at the hospital. Remember, it’s okay to ask your eager in-laws to step out until after you’re finished feeding. Discuss this with your partner ahead of time so everyone’s on the same page.
6. Practice good body mechanics
Before you start your feeding, make sure you’re (relatively) comfortable and have all of the support pillows you’ll need.
Once you’re set, make sure your baby is well-supported and properly aligned. (Your little one’s head, neck, back and body should all be facing the same direction.) If you’re leaning over forward into your baby, that’s a sign that your baby needs another pillow underneath her to bring her closer to you. The goal is to minimize tension, lifting, hunching and contorting. Good body mechanics are essential for immediately maximizing your comfort and reducing strain over the long run.
7. Hand express
Hand express (AKA squeeze out) colostrum (early milk) to start each feeding. This allows your baby to taste and smell what’s about to happen. The process of hand expression will also allow your nipple to become erect, giving you baby the best possible target for latching. Don’t panic if nothing comes out - your baby’s suck will draw it out during the feeding.
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8. Avoid pacifiers
Simply put, if your baby is eager to suck, he should be breastfeeding. Additionally, the way the pacifier feels in his mouth may be really satisfying, making convincing him to return to your nipple a bit of a struggle. Pacifiers are safe, and okay to use after lactation has been well established and your baby is gaining weight.
9. Ask for help
Breastfeeding a newborn can be very awkward. Especially for first time moms. If it feels like your need four hands to get everything going, you probably do. Remember, your nurses are here to help you and should be observing several of your feedings anyway. Don’t hesitate to push the call-bell for help!
10. Don’t get discouraged
For most, motherhood/parenthood has a rough initiation. It’s as exhilarating as it is exhausting and breastfeeding can have its challenges. Developing your breastfeeding relationship with your child is a marathon, not a sprint. Don’t be discouraged if things don’t immediately “click.” You need practice and your baby needs practice. Hang in there, mama! You got this!
Have questions or need help? You can always call our 24/7 warm line at 843-522-5147 for assistance.
Prep for success before your baby comes by attending our free Baby University Breastfeeding Class.